Labmodul A/S participates in Dansk Industris; Climate ready production companies program 2022. A program designed to help Small and Medium sized companies to manage the green transition faster.Klimaklar jpg

This means that Labmodul has incorporated this in our strategy.

Our focus is to contribute to optimization of the green transition in the entire value chain.

From sourcing to transport to production to recycle.

Our aim is to contribute to a greener planet. 



One of the decisive things that distinguishes Labmodul unique laboratory furniture’s from other manufacturers, is the way to integrate design, high-performance quality materials, logistics and ergonomic functions. A work space must appear as a beautiful whole where legal requirements and safety conditions meets ergonomic and efficient working environment. Our furniture’s apply for laboratories, hospitals and educational environments.

All technical features are carefully integrated, and lines appear simple, clean, in a modern/timeless design. Both in our large standard furniture program and in the custom-made products.


We offer competent specialist and consultants to guide your project safely. We offer a non-binding talk about project phase, budget optimizations and possible challenges. Our large 300 m2 showroom can we visited with great advantage for your next upcoming project.


We are one of the leading European manufacturers and suppliers who for years have developed unique expertise in advisory services, BIM drawing design and project management. Our architects and engineers take pride engaging on a personal level with all our clients making enabling the right solution at all times. Furthermore, Labmodul offers our high-performance productions facilities focusing only on best thinkable quality and materials.


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