The Mars is a series of dual filter Class 2 cabinets which incorporates the latest in laminator technology, energy- saving designs and HEPA-filtration, with options that give the best protection for you, your products and your laboratory.
The Mars Pro are a series of triple filter Class II Cabinets, which incorporate the latest in laminator technology, energy-saving designs and construction, with HEPA-filtration giving the ultimate in protection for you, your products and your laboratory.
Sirius is a compact individual Clean Air work station, which incorporate the latest laminator technology and energy-saving designs with HEPA-filtration. Offering complete portability and enabling suitable and convenient positioning in your laboratory.
Class 2 Cabinets: Minerva
Minerva Microbiological Safety Cabinets & Enclosures provide total protection for the operator, the sample and the environment. They give ultimate containment for hazardous materials in Hazard Group’s 1, 2 & 3. Designed and constructed to EN 12469 requirements, the Minerva offers an ergonomically built, hermetically sealed enclosure for use when total containment and protection is required and necessary.
100% exhaust class 2 type B2 cabinet - Mars B2 Mars B2 is a class 2 biological safety cabinet which provides operator, product and environmental protection with possibility of high window opening and is 100 % exhaust. The cabinet has as well a 200 mm front aperture and should always be ducted. The microbiology safety cabinet is similar in many ways to the standard Mars cabinet. The only difference is that the Mars cabinet is 70% recirculation and 30% exhaust, whereas the Mars B2 is 100% exhaust.
Orion is a Safety Class 2 Safe Change Cabinet with 100% exhaust – B2 type, designed for working with inflammable liquids, chemicals and acids, and organic solvents where one would normally use a standard fume hood. Also applicable as an animal Cage Change unit or manipulation station.
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